Some of you might know that I performed as the Yellow Wiggle for the Latin American Wiggles. This project was filmed back in the summer of 2005, during which I made many new great friends and colleagues. One of those great friends is Francisco, the Latin American Red Wiggle.
After those three months of filming, we stayed in touch, of course, but life went on and many years passed without seeing each other—more than 17, in fact! But then in January of 2022, Francisco happened to be traveling back to Australia from Venezuela and decide to make a stop and visit me in Houston.
After an 8-hour delay, Frank arrived at night on a Saturday and had to leave the very next evening. It didn't leave much time to do many things, but we couldn't let this opportunity pass! We quickly put together an express recording and filming session that resulted in a very fun musical segment featuring an original song of mine, "Hola, ¿Cómo Estás?" and the Venezuelan birthday song.
Fortunately, in spite of the short amount of time we had, we did get to spend several hours catching up, and he even got to see my dad again after so long and also got to meet my mom.
We talked about many new ideas and collaboration plans, and we both agreed that we wouldn't let so much time pass without getting together again!
